Your name as our next BESTSELLING AUTHOR here...

When Opportunity Like this Comes Calling...

Seize this Invitation to have the recognition you deserve
and the Authority you desire; before it's GONE!

How much is the way you have been
communicating COSTING You?!

From: Paul T. Neustrom

Central Minnesota, USA

In the summer of 2016, I was sitting in a meadow looking up at the mountains in Glacier National Park. It was right on the border of British Columbia, Canada. A gentle breeze was blowing into me and I had this sense something good was coming to me.

Several weeks later a company offered me the chance to make me a published, AND bestselling author.

It seemed too good to be true.

For over two decades I dreamed of becoming an author. I kept a notepads and manuscripts in my desk drawer, and every time I had an idea I wrote it down and threw it into that folder. It was a dream that never seemed to have a sense of reality.

Could I write my own book without knowing how? Maybe. But I also knew that if I didn't take action things would end up being… delayed forever.

Six months before this, I had recently been in a major car accident and had been in a neck brace for six weeks because the doctors were afraid I would become paralyzed; had I stumbled or fell before my surgery. That is when I decided to become an author and write a book.

The only problem is I struggled at writing and it wasn't my gift. I had to repeat first grade because I couldn't read and my ADHD and lack of focus helped me to graduate from high school in the bottom half of the class in English and composition. However I was determined and felt like people liked my stories I told.

The price tag to publish my book with with everything said and done... $15,000. That wasn't even including ghostwriting being done which would have doubled the amount to $30,000.

Dan Sullivan wrote a book The Four Cs Formula, and one of his key ideas was to make a commitment before having the confidence to take action. You can make a commitment (the "C") by declaring to the whole world what you want by simply making a decision.

That was a real commitment for me at the time. I also realized something else. I made the decision, and there was no way I was going to waste that money.

I was going to be a bestselling author guaranteed.

Your Bestselling Author Opportunity Awaits...

I chose to commit, and that completely changed the trajectory of my career. However, something interesting happened six months before I published my bestseller.

It was fun to participate in the Bestsellers 'Anthology' Project, which created more authority and accelerate my following. It was almost instant and a more economical entry point for me to join rather than spending another $25,000 to publish another book.

"At this point I just wanted to publish my book!"

Becoming a Published #1 Bestselling Author… before my memoir came out skyrocketed my career from out of nowhere. I had NO IDEA the Power of this!

This was without all of the dreaded hassles of publishing (cover design and image selection, theme, title, subtitle, book description, publishing account setup, interior formatting, editing, marketing, keyword and category selection, ads, press release, ad management, and the critical launch coordination) in the easiest and most cost-effective way possible.

These things are overwhelming, especially for new authors and have nothing to do with your writing skills.

You know, there is a reason they call it 'Bestselling Author' not Best Writing Author.

Because, unless someone does the marketing properly, the writing won’t matter.

In my 40 years of publishing experience, what I love the most is how easy it is to become a Bestselling author. Once you understand how simple it is...

What I love most about it is how easy it is to become a Bestselling Author.

"What if I have never written a book before?"

You might ask,

“If I join your book, how do I know all the other authors' work is good?”

My response might surprise you.

Our experience has been that the best chapters are turned in by new authors. When you take away all the other distractions (editing, publishing, marketing), and allow authors to just focus on writing, the results can be amazing. 

In fact, a writer once joined an anthology claiming to be a professional author.
It turned out that his chapter was the one most in need of work.

Being humble allows for great things. In this case, an easy to follow framework is provided for you. All you have to do is let your creative juices flow for 2,000 words. 

But you don’t have to use our framework either. Just stay on topic, and when it gets to editing, we have our editors share their suggestions with you. No judgment, all private, to make your chapter the best it can be. 

The truth is our framework gets you focused on your story, which usually only requires minor editing but little-to-no developmental editing (story structural changes).

Can you share a lesson you have learned or a habit that has made you successful on this topic? 

Your message has the ability to impact others.

You can start reaching people right away by becoming a published author. If you already have a book, adding another increases your authority. 

Here's why...

  • Build a stronger personal brand immediately.

  • A permanent marketing tool - no one throws books away, and they are always working on your behalf.

  • Pre-frame yourself to clients before they even speak to you. Your book shows your expertise.

  • Multiple authors are marketing you, every time they talk about your book

  • Use it in your content marketing plan to get leads

  • Open the door to new opportunities

  • A book is your most powerful business card

  • Most people will never write their first book, but you will have one to share in the next few months

  • Add to your signature, your bio, your articles and proposals

  • Instant Authority Boost

    ** Look below what happened for 3 of my Bestselling Anthologies. The outsold 4,000 other books to ALL rank in the TOP 5 at the same time.

Your message matters, and the offer to join this book is your figurative tap on the shoulder.

As Sir Winston Churchill once said:

To each, there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour. 

Your message matters, and the offer to join this book is your figurative tap on the shoulder.

You probably already know the benefits of getting a book published & becoming a bestselling author: 

  • Build a stronger personal brand immediately

  • A permanent marketing tool - no one throws books away, and they are always working on your behalf

  • Pre-frame yourself to clients before they even speak to you. Your book shows your expertise.

  • Multiple authors are marketing you, every time the talk about your book.

  • Use it in your content marketing plan to get leads

  • Open the door to new opportunities

  • A book is your most powerful business card

  • Most people will never write the first book, you will have one to share in the next few months

  • Add to your signature, your bio, your articles and proposals

  • Instant Authority Boost

Adding that first book or another book to your library will create a huge boost of credibility to you and your brand.

If I can do it, there is no doubt you can too. 

But… when?

If you struggle with lack of confidence, lack of time, lack of money or lack of knowledge, all of this can seem overwhelming...

I get it.  

Starting and finishing any book is tough...

The idea of publishing a book, especially your first book, can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to worry about writing, but then there is formatting, editing, the cover, the marketing, the launching, getting reviews, etc...

So when I finally discovered a way to crowd source the effort, and simply participate in writing a chapter, I jumped at the opportunity! (I still jump at it every time I have a chance)

You see, you don't have to be a publishing or book marketing expert to have a book. You don't even have to write the whole book.

What is crowdsourcing a book?

You have probably seen someone doing it. Remember Jack Canfield's "Chicken Soup of the Soul?" Crowdsourcing a book is done by gathering a group of authors together, and each author contributes a chapter. 

That's it. You just worry about writing a great 1,500-2,000 word chapter, and let everyone else do the rest. If you want, we will even help you write your chapter.

The publisher handles the costs and time for cover creation, editing, formatting, promotion (marketing).

In fact, it is incredibly cost effective for the co-authors. Our current costs for just the editing portion of my books costs around $300 per chapter. 

Crowdsourcing in this way allows you to get your name out for a fraction of the total cost of a book. 

The book is your starting line...

When I finally decided to take action, my only regret was not starting sooner.

I joined multiple crowdsourced anthology books with dozens of other authors. Not only did I have a shelf full of bestselling books published, but they became permanent fixtures in my Author's Library. 

It also started building my "online resume."

At least a dozen influencers I have recently reached out to have commented that they had already "seen the great stuff I am doing."

Translation: "I have seen you have a lot of amazing books you have authored or co-authored on your bookshelf."

I was stunned, but realized I do that myself. When someone reaches out, I check and see if they have a book and how they look. 

That is why that first book became so important.

You need to make the most of your time ….

Once you publish your first book (co-authored or not), you will have turned on the ability to speed up your credibility and authority. 

Maybe you have spent that time waiting and waiting, and sometimes you just need a little push to get going and see how capable you are of becoming an author, a bestseller and an authority in your space.

That is why I want to introduce you to...

The Bestsellers Anthology Project

(Crowdsourcing a Book)

Our Bestsellers Author Project enables you to get your first book (or next book) out there quickly, and painlessly. It also allows you to learn how we publish and consistently make our books bestsellers. 

By joining this book:

  • You get Bestselling Author Status (forever!)

  • You create a lead magnet (entry) to whatever you have to offer online. This could be another book, your website, your course or coaching. (hint: you can never have too many of these)

  • You create another permanent marketing asset for your portfolio. My goal is to continuously create lead magnets and content assets. There are few better assets than a book, and few ways to get your name on a book that are more economical than The Co-Author Project. 

  • You have myself, and your co-authors marketing you forever after (free)! Every time anyone of us sends someone to read this book, that person sees you. 

  • Authority by association. Just being a co-author on a book shows you add value. This is a way to add that quickly. 

  • You don't have to be a book marketer or learn book marketing to have a Bestseller. You just need to focus on your great chapter!

Joining the Bestsellers Project make things happen!

The 'Authority Launch' Bestsellers Project

Why this works so well
for you...

Co-authoring a book with us
will change your status and exposure.

A Bestselling Book

You will become a Bestselling Author when we make this book a Bestseller through our marketing channels.

Permanent Marketing Tool

I call this perpetual marketing. This book will forever work on your behalf to build authority and leads for your business.

Global Distribution

Our book will be distributed globally through all the appropriate publishing channels.

Power of your Co-Authors

Witness the power of multiple co-authors promoting this book, and in turn you, reaping the benefits.

A Lead Magnet

You determine where readers should reach you and you may even provide a lead magnet and link to it on your site to build your email list.

Increased Exposure

All the authors promote, and create exposure. But also, every single new lead one of your co-authors, outside of the book, becomes a potential lead for you because of your association via this book.

What to do next...


Enroll in the Bestsellers - Author Project below:

You will instantly reserve your spot, and any other bonuses. You will then receive an email letting you know what to do next (for the items below, like Bio and Headshot, your chapter, and your Call-To-Action. 


We will send you How-To Info

We want the perfect Bio and Headshot to match your platform. Don't have one yet or need help? That is what we are here for!


Start brainstorming your chapter topic

Ideally, your chapter not only fits well with our book, but attracts people to your website, products, coaching, other books or future books. We will help you with the idea if needed. 


Make note of the launch dates and get ready!

We will confirm the launch dates with you, give you promotional materials for email and social media. Then let us handle the editing, formatting, and marketing expenses. You will soon be adding a Bestselling Book Title to your library!

Some other Bestsellers!

"It is now always that we have the ability or drive to write a book on our own. Now I have the confidence for what is next." 

Dr. Kanna Krishnan

Bestselling Author and Founder of 

Positive Success Coach

"I am in the Self-Publishing industry, and I thought this would be an excellent way to get my first book out there. This was a great way for someone else to do all the work."

Karen Ferreira

Bestselling Author and Founder of 

Children's Book Mastery

"It is a lot of money to publish a book by yourself. This was a fraction of the cost of what it would cost me to publish a book myself. It was a no-brainer."

Louis Vendetti

Bestselling Author of 

My Disability Doesn't Define Me

"I was fortunate enough to come across Ray when I finished my first book. The process has been just great to add another book to my repertoire. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to have a second, third or fourth book..." 

Marie Temby

Bestselling Author of

Simple Soulful Successful

"I joined The C0-Project with Ray, the process is literally your write a chapter and you have a book."

Sierra Melcher

Bestselling Author of

How Change Really Happens


"Instantly increase your credibility and authority!"

James Archer

If you've been wanting to write a bestselling book to instantly increase your credibility and authority, but you just haven't had the time, or you're a bit overwhelmed with all the tasks (outline, title, cover design, publishing, not to mention the actual CONTENT) then you really need to think about an Bestsellers Project.  That's where you contribute to a book that is being put together by someone else.  I've participated in two co-author projects and both became best sellers.  All I had to do was contribute one chapter and Ray took care of EVERYTHING else. 

Celebrating the arrival of the books!

Monica Rubombora

Bestselling Author of 

Government Tenders Don't Suck

A Message from 
Paul Neustrom in his Masterclass

Your name with mine on the Next Bestseller... 

The title, subtitle and cover may change slightly, but you can be a part of this guaranteed bestseller!

What if I don't have a book yet myself? 

This is a perfect way to start your author platform. When I started, I had no idea what I was doing, but that first book created a place for me on Amazon and other platforms. I was an author, and then when I launched my first solo book, I already had another in my library.

That gave me credibility for my solo book launch (and early fans). 

Join our Anthology Book and Claim
Your Own Bestsellers Status! 

Add your name to this Guaranteed Bestselling Book for your Library, Forever!

Build your Brand & Message - Build your Following

Build your Authority - Become a Thought-Leader

Build your Business with Loyal Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, reach out to any of our team.

When the clock hits zero, the bonuses go away!

What if I haven't written before?

We are writing about online entrepreneurs, it isn't a writing test. Your chapter will be reviewed for content and professionally edited. It will be awesome!There are many ways we can help you get it done if you struggle. Those include tools like dictation and interviewing.

Is this a good way to get started?

Absolutely. It is exactly how I got started. When I finally committed to myself and an opportunity appeared, I made the decision to invest in myself. 

That catapulted me forward, and I have never regretted it.

What is in it for me?

You will become a Bestselling Author.

It also creates a starter platform for you as an author if you need to write more books. Your credibility will skyrocket.

What would it feel like to add "Bestselling Author of..." to your email signature.

You have also just created a permanent piece of marketing that others (myself and your other co-authors) will promote for you in perpetuity. 

Will this book be a Bestseller?

Yes. We guarantee it will be a Bestseller (on Amazon).

The non-fiction genre for online businesses and self-help books is very large. I have a large following, and I use the best marketing systems to get the book noticed.

Can you imagine being able to tell people you are not only a published author, but a Bestselling Author as well?

Who gets the royalties?

There is no royalty share as this is not an income play. This book will be positioned as a business card and lead magnet. 

For that reason, it will be priced very low long term so there will be maximum exposure for all the authors.  

What we do is make the paperback the minimum required price on Amazon for the authors to get easy access. So it will depend on the size of the book. Our book, The Success Code had about 29 authors (60k words), and is about $5.97 per copy. The ebook will be priced at 99¢. Those will most likely be the price ranges for this book.  

This book is about increasing credibility and making you a Bestselling Author. It will be amazing!

Is there a money back guarantee?

No, there are no refunds.

For this opportunity, we have a limited number of spots. We will not have any ability to refund you after you sign up because we start moving immediately and close up the offer.

However, if we don't hit one Amazon Bestseller List, then we will refund everyone. That hasn't happened. 

What if I have already published a book?

Congrats!!! That is HUGE!! 

Adding another book to your library adds even more credibility. I personally accept many co-author opportunities to increase the number of books in my Amazon Author Central Library.

Why does this cost more in my country?

Some countries use the term "dollars" for their currency (like the US) But those dollars are not equal in value to US dollars (that is why currencies are traded). 

So occasionally someone will ask: Why does this cost more in my country? 

The short answer it doesn't. The enrollment amount is the same, you may just be paying with a less valuable currency. Canadian Dollars or Australian Dollars are not equal to US Dollars. 

If at the time of enrollment 1 US Dollar is equal to 1.5 Canadian Dollars, you can expect it to require about 50% more Canadian Dollars to enroll. 

The confusion can be about using the term dollars. Because you will never hear anyone saying that is costs them more in pesos or some other currency. 

The Co-Author Project could just as easily be priced in gold. It could cost one ounce of gold to join. One would not say that it is costs more in silver if you needed 20 ounces to purchase. Silver is simply a currency that has a different value than gold. 

How does this benefit our author rank if it is not published in our account?

Amazon has a proprietary algorithm for author rank. It bases rank on an author's other books and their ranks at any given time.

All the authors will see their ranks rise during our launch. It doesn't unfairly benefit one vs another (including me). 

The other authors buying a few copies of paperbacks at random times, in different amazon stores around the world, does virtually nothing for anyone's rank.

If the book is doing well, or if it carries a bestseller banner, that shows up in every author's Amazon central author's page...

Frankly, I have really never paid much attention to author rank unless I could grab a quick screenshot

What about author copies, pricing, etc?

There are no author copies included. The main reason is I have been on both sides (a co-author and the publisher in this case).

I don't want to charge more, so I can send authors 50 books each. I personally have boxes of unopened books in my garage for that exact reason (and I know I paid for them as a co-author at a 7k contribution level).

Most authors really only want a few copies (at least in the beginning), and it is much easier for them to get the exact amount that way. So we just set the price as low as possible on Amazon. This also allows us to utilize the advanced distribution of Amazon (and author's Prime accounts if you have one, for the best shipping prices). 

How do we know the book will be high quality with so many different authors?

This is a great question.

Interestingly, I find the opposite to be true for a couple of reasons.

I believe the information is what is important (not having established oneself as an author). And here is where it gets interesting, new authors are so conscious of making a great debut they work extra hard on their chapters and delivery of their message.

On the contrary, I had someone who told me he was a "professional author" and his chapter had to be rewritten 3 times.

If someone is unsure of the topic, or structure of their chapter, we will go over it.

But most turn in their chapters and it passes through 3 different checkpoints for content, and then editing. Occasionally we will ask for some revisions, but I am almost always amazed at what I receive (in a good way).  

What are the individual chapter expectations?

Your chapter contribution will be 2000 words.

The size of book will be determined by the final number of authors. The last one was about 210 pages (60k words). 

You will submit a chapter, your headshot and a short bio. Then you can sit back and let us do the rest of the work. 

Are you ready?

What can I write about for Skyrocket to Success?

From our onboarding doc:


Here is how I want you to envision your chapter, because this is what has worked extremely well in the past.

What is the one thing (or habit) you believe people should know about in hopes of making the most out of life?

Just jot it down.

Now take that idea, and write down the story of how you discovered it. You will not believe how much your story will help the reader learn something that you know. It is ok to be specific to your niche or as general as you want to be.

Here is a simple framework on how to format your chapter:

  • Tell the story of how you learned this principle or habit.

  • Explain what the habit is.

  • How can the reader implement it?

  • Summarize it with a moral to your story.

Seems too simple?

It works (once you get going you are going to complain about needing more words (but you can’t have any!).

As Mark Twain said, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”

This is very time-limited offer, Join
before we Close and Move
to the 'Done with You' Phase...

A year from today, you will have arrived.

The question is… where?

I have been there. I waited for something to change, and nothing did.

Not until I took action.

Will you arrive at your desk in the morning still wondering if you could possibly be a bestselling author?

Will you arrive home after a long and frustrating day at work, hoping to someday be a part of something big, like a bestselling book?


Will this be the year that you become a bestselling author?

Will you see the path to your solo book clearly now that you have joined a bestseller?

Where do you want to be?

Choose the path that takes you where you want to go.

I look forward to you joining me on this exciting journey to become a bestseller and go beyond!

To all of your success, 

P.S. In case you're one of those people, like me, who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

You can join our current project, write one chapter, and become a published author (or add another book to your portfolio), get Amazon Bestseller Status and have a permanent authority/marketing piece attached to our books that will develop into a series. 

P.P.S. How long are you willing to deal with the frustration, the fear, the emptiness of not getting started? Join now!

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